Susan DMar 4, 20202 min readWild Stallions, Ego and JoiningOur ego's job is to keep us protect us. When talking to someone who is quite wise, he says in any situation, ego is always...
Susan DJan 22, 20201 min readKaleidoscope of UsDo we have one person in this world who knows everything about us? Have we ever allowed ourselves to be that vulnerable? Most likely, our...
Susan DJan 18, 20201 min readAfraid to Love?I sang that song to God several times before it happened: I Want to Know What Love Is. And it happened. Yes it was ended. And I focused...
Susan DJan 12, 20202 min readChoice...That's All It Is...Someone once said, “Remember. Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a...
Susan DMar 3, 20191 min readComing to Terms...If you have questions, comment here... Addiction: Repeated involvement with X regardless of the harm X causes in my life. Stuff happens...
Susan DFeb 24, 20191 min read10 ways to start loving yourself the way you deserve to be loved"Deserve to be loved"... <-- That is sometimes difficult to know and "to love yourself" is as abstract to many as algebra. What I know...